The University of Coimbra hosted a Data Science Workshop regarding the Fundamentals of R and Biostatistics in September 2019.
The purpose of the course was to provide attendees with important tools to do data science. The course provided an introduction to the R language and environment, both of which are crucial for success in using the program. The course also provided the opportunity for delegates to do some statistical analyses that are commonly employed in biomedical research. These analyses ranged from hypothesis testing and outlier detection to supervised and unsupervised regression and classification techniques.
The workshop did not focus on any one analysis or specific field; instead, the aim of the workshop was to teach the basic knowledge necessary to use R independently, thus helping participants initiate their own research projects and produce publications.
The course was structured around hands-on practicals and interactive sessions that will ensure participants are comfortable with the R environment, running statistical analyses, and interpreting statistical outputs by the time the course is completed.